Human NGS DiagnosticsProof-of-concept

A next-generation nucleic acid sequencing solution for various diagnostic applications feasible in any laboratory. Currently developing a kit for diagnosing multiple myeloma, a malignant bone marrow disorder, this innovative approach uses a custom set of oligonucleotides in a well-defined NGS panel followed by bioinformatics analysis to determine the disease cause directly. We also offer custom development of sequencing kits for other genetic-based disorder diagnostics and research.


Product / technology
Discovery stageDevelopmentScale-upCommercializationCommercial partner
Proof-of-conceptPre-clinic dataClinical validationCE / IVDRMarket
Multiple Myeloma Diagnostics
(NGS/Set of Biomarkers)
Progress: 14 %

Project details

GeneSpector presents a solution for simple and reliable next-generation nucleic acid sequencing for various diagnostic applications feasible in any laboratory.

Currently under development is a kit for diagnostics of multiple myeloma – a malignant bone marrow disorder caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of myeloma cells in the bone marrow. Presented solution is based on an in-house developed, innovative approach for determination of the cause of this disease using a custom set of oligonucleotides in a well-defined panel for NGS sequencing followed by a bioinformatics analysis.

Using this approach, it will be possible to directly determine the cause of this disease.

We offer custom development of sequencing kits for diagnostics and research of other genetic-based disorders.


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US subsidiary

GeneSpector Innovations USA, Inc.
3500 South Dupont Highway
Dover DE 19901

EU subsidiary

GeneSpector s.r.o.
Petrska 1180/3
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic